Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week With This Weight Loss Smoothie 😍 -->

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Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week With This Weight Loss Smoothie 😍

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

There’s no magic weight loss pill that will melt your fat in 1 week without compromising your health but, there are healthier and more delicious ways to help you do just that without needing one.
Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that make your clothes feel tight. This stuff is really harmful. When the white fat expands in your belly, it stretches over and around your organs and poses serious threats.
So the faster you rid your body of this sneaky fat, the safer it’ll be for your health.
Here’s a thorough look at How to Lose Belly Fat Fast
I should mention that at the end of the day noting works better than a healthy diet for a consistent weight loss, however adding this powerful fat loss smoothie to your drinking habits can be one of the best small changes in your lifestyle that helps you achieve your fat loss goals faster.
So, why waste more time
, let’s get down to smoothie! πŸ˜‰

The 1 Week Fat Loss Smoothie

This powerful green smoothie is a great detoxifier that cleans your kidneys and liver. Parsley is very low in calorie but rich in A, B, C, and K and minerals like iron and potassium.
In addition to reducing water retention and bloating, the enzymes in Parsley play an important role in improving your digestion and slimming your body. Parsley also helps with regulating blood sugar which is great for weight loss.
Celery, that crunchy and watery stick vegetable we only seem to be able to eat with dips. This super underrated vegetable is also very low in calorie but has high amounts of fiber that can put a stop to your unhealthy cravings. Just what you need.
The anti-inflammatory properties of Celery lowers the risk of cardiovascular problems and cancer. It also improves digestion as well as cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Pineapple is much more than a delicious treat; it is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that protect your cells from damage at the same time as reducing inflammation and preventing excessive blood clotting.
This delicious sweet fruit not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also enriches your body with essentials vitamins like C, B1 and B6 as well as fiber which is crucial for digestion and weight loss.
Good old cucumber is our last ingredient and provides sufficient amounts of nutrients like vitamins C and K, magnesium and potassium.
Cucumber is also very low in calories, contains good amounts of antioxidants, lowers blood sugar and promotes hydration.

Now that you’re familiar with weight loss and health benefits of our ingredients, let’s take a look at how to make your 1 week fat loss smoothie.


1 cup chopped celery

1 medium cucumber

1 stalk celery ( with or without leaves )

3 slices fresh pineapple

½ to 1 cup ice ( depending on how thick you like it )


Chop all your veggies into small pieces and mix them all together with the pineapple and ice in a blender.
It’s best to drink your smoothies immediately but if kept in the fridge, it can last up to 6 hours. To get optimal results drink this smoothie first thing in the morning with an empty stomach and two more times during the day.
Try drinking this for a week and see the results. Take 2 weeks break and then you can restart the process.
Check out this post for more delicious Weight Loss Smoothies